Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Effective Biblical Church Leadership

Africa International University A. I. C G. S. U Training College Church Youth Ministry Strategic Plan Period: 1st October 2012-31st December 2012 Unit Title: Church Administration Unit Code: PA 204 Presented to :Lecturer –Dinah K. Nyamai Presented by: Stephen Mutua Adm no: 12066 Background General Service Unit Training College Embakasi Church is a under the umbrella of Africa Inland Church of Kenya. We are situated in the Training College main compound. The Church main congregants are the Training college community and the surrounding neighbors.Since the church was started there has never been any active youth ministry. There has been growing need to meet the spiritual needs of the increasing number of youth church members. This has led the church administration to take a move to initiate and strategize on how to effectively the community at large. Thus, a need for a comprehensive and attainable strategic plan for the youth ministry be put in place to help our young people. Th e Church Strategic Plan for youth ministry will be for a period of three months from 1st October 2012- 31st December 2012.Our first main focus will be to equip the leaders who will thus help has a important means to reach the entire group. Time has come that the church has to seriously need to invest in the youth group for if we miss them then the churches will be at a threat of closing their doors tomorrow. This is because there will be no one of the young generation to be handed over the church leadership. Our strategic plan has been prepared in line with the Vision, Mission, goals of Africa Inland Church of Kenya; VISION: To equip and teach every church member in all wisdom, so that every church member may be mature in Christ; Col: 1-28MISSION: To fulfill the Great Commission of Our Lord Jesus Christ. (Matthew 28:19-20) Our Goals: 1. To fulfill the great commission of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Matthew 28:19,20;†Go therefore and make disciples of all nations†¦ 2. To instr uct and strengthen church members in the faith and holy living   3. To help Christians to stand firm on the scriptures principles   4. To show and demonstrate Christ's love and concern for people by engaging in selective community development projects based on biblical and evangelical principles and practicesOur Vision, Mission, Goal and objectives for the Africa Inland church General Service Unit Training College Embakasi youth ministry; Vision To be a youth ministry that effectively shares our faith and hope in Jesus Christ, (Acts 20:27), Mission: To nurture the youth in church so as to nurture their peers in Christ . Goal: To inspire, train and mentor Christ like youth leaders. Objectives: 1. By the end of October 2012, fifteen youth leaders will be trained to lead at least four youth members through personal Bible study and evangelism. 2.By the end of November 2012, all the trained leaders will evangelize to at least ten people mainly the youth in our surrounding church comm unity. 3. By the end of December 2012, youth leaders will be trained on how to effectively formulate youth programs. October – 2012. |ACTIVITY |HOW TO ACCOMPLISH THE ACTIVITY |WHO TO UNDERTAKE THE ACTIVITY |COST | | A three day seminar for the| The seminar takes place weekly on |Youth pastor, Youth Patron and the youth |Total cost is ksh 20,000. 0 | |youth leaders. |Saturday’s, starting from 9:am-3:30pm |chairman to organize the other youth |The facilitators will be honored | |The seminar topic will be how |We will have two facilitators for the seminar. |leaders to attend the seminar and be |with Ksh 1,000/= on everyday of | |to lead a Bible study group and| |available on time. |attendance . Thus totalcost foe them| |evangelism | |Youth leaders attending the seminar will |will be Ksh 6,000/=. | | |be fifteen. |Tea and snacks will cost kshs | | | | |4,000/= and Lunch will be Kshs | | | | |10,000/=. | ? Evaluation; At the end of the three day training seminar the le aders will undertake an exam and some practical presentation on what they have learned in the seminar. . November 2012 |ACTIVITY |HOW TO ACCOMPLISH THE ACTIVITY |WHO TO UNDERTAKE THE ACTIVITY | COST | | Youth leaders and other five | The group will divide themselves into four |Youth Pastor, Youth patron and The youth |Approximately Ksh 17,000. | |active members will evangelize in|groups. |chairman will lead the other group. |The amount ksh 12,000/= for lunch | |the area around the church |Evangelism will be a three day ministry taking |We expect twenty participants. and kshs 5,000/= for soda and | |community. |place weekly every Saturday of the week. A door | |snacks for the get together. | | |to door and one on one evangelism method. | | | | | | | | Evaluation; After end of evangelism each group will be giving their reports on how many people were saved, challenges the met in the field, follow up procedures adopted e. g contacts of those with specialn needs and the newly converted members. †¢ Fourth Saturday we will hold get together fellowship especially to welcome the new converts from the evangelism ministry. 3. December 2012 |ACTIVITY |HOW TO ACCOMPLISH THE ACTIVITY |WHO TO UNDERTAKE THE ACTIVITY |COST | | A two day seminar for youth |The seminar will take place weekly on Saturdays. The Christian education department |Kshs 7,000. 00 will be used to | |leaders on formulating smart youth |Leaders to be trained on how to identify youth |coordinator will facilitate the seminar. |cater for tea and snacks Kshs | |programs in line with the youth |needs and how to formulate programs in line with |All the fifteen youth leaders will attend |2,500. 00 and lunch kshs 4,500. 00 | |members needs. |how to overcome and reach those needs. |the seminar. |for the two days | Evaluation There will be an exam at the end of the seminar and each leader to formulate his or her program to be presented for discussion by all youth leaders. I believe with the above training foun dation for the leaders will be an important tool to be used in the ministry to reach even more and more in the community at this time when young men and women are vulnerable to all manner of social entertainment and vices. With the help of the trained leaders we will be able to reach many and unto their personal spiritual needs.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Cannibalism: Crime or Survival? Essay

Cannibalism has gone through stages of acceptance to morally corrupt and unspeakable. When faced in a dire situation, such as isolation and deterioration of the mind and body, cannibalism becomes an option of survival. When people confess of their actions, is it fair for us to judge? What would a person do in that situation, and can one honestly punish another for survival of the fittest? Cannibalism dates back as far as the earliest signs of human life. By definition, cannibalism is â€Å"the eating of any species by another member of the same species,† (â€Å"Cannibalism†). Wolves, for example, will eat another wolf if there is no other form of nutrition to be found. This is an example of survival of the fittest, an instinct born unto all living creatures. Cannibalism is primitive in human nature, dating back to the Carib Indians of the West Indies. In the Arwakan language, â€Å"carib† literally translates to â€Å"cannibal.† The practice of eating human meat, whether in ritual or punishment, has been practiced in nearly every part of the world. The reason for cannibalistic behavior has varied among the people. Headhunters, for example, believed eating parts of a victim’s body would grant them magical powers. Some tribes ate criminals to punish them or gain revenge for the crime. Primitive rites commonly involved human sacrifice, and it was not uncommon for the sacrifice’s family to eat certain parts of the body. This practice is labeled â€Å"endocannibalism.† As time progressed, cannibalism went from common practice in the east to an unspeakable sin in the west. Cannibalism is most commonly practiced due to the result of extreme physical necessity in isolated surroundings. It has been justified as â€Å"a model of behavior in food processing as a response to nutritional stress,† (Ellis et al. 4) Essentially, cannibalism in such desperation comes down to practical logic. If one is starving, one eats what  is offered. Examples of this include survivors of a plane wreck stranded without food; boat wrecks on isolated islands; or, more commonly, families trapped in a snowstorm in any large mountain range. One of the most recent cases of cannibalism known is that of Andes flight disaster. In 1972, an Uruguayan rugby team, along with their family and friends, were on their way to Chile to compete when the plane crashed in the Andes mountain range. Several died in the initial crash, and more died due to the harsh conditions and injuries from the wreck. Ten days passed before the little bit of food that was rationed ran out. The group lived for two months before rescue came, and in that time they had committed the unspeakable act. As a group, the survivors agreed to turn to cannibalism and endocannibalism in order to survive. Out of the original forty-five, only sixteen came from the mountains alive because of their survival technique. This group had indulged in what is called survival cannibalism. Survival cannibalism is an innate form of survival that anthropologists believe exists in all humans. When the rugby team was faced with their dire situation, they indulged on their native instinct to satisfy nutritional need before abiding to the morals of society. When rescued, the team told reporters that it was a sort of communion; they ate as little as possible so as not to desecrate the dead. â€Å"Jesus gave the disciples His blood and His flesh at the Last Supper, so we were kept alive through Him,† explained one of the survivors when the press demanded an answer as to what they ate to stay alive (Stranded Gonzalo Arijon). The Uruguayan and Chilean publics accepted these survivors, even though the media slandered them and called them inhumane and cannibalistic. Another, perhaps more famous case of survival cannibalism is the story of the Donner Party. The Donner Party was a group of families being led west by brothers George and Jacob Donner in the winter of 1846-47. The unfortunate groups of pioneers were trapped in the snowy Sierra Nevada Mountains because they did not foresee that they had set out too late in the year with too little provisions. The group traveled through the Great Plains, losing much of their cattle due to heat and starvation. As the group headed on, they left the warmth of the desert-like plains and entered the cold and snow of  the mountains. Their food supply dwindled as they tried to make a pass through the Sierra Nevada range, their remaining cattle became buried in the blizzard-like weather conditions, and many wagons had to be abandoned. The party set up camp in a valley, hoping to wait out the storm and continue on. The wait turned from a few days to weeks, then from weeks to months. The food supply ran out; leather books, oxen hide blankets, and tobacco became a daily meal. Relief parties were sent form California, but they could not take everyone at once. â€Å"If we do not find food, we will have to commence on the dead,† stated Tamsen Donner, wife of George Donner, when the first relief party came to take her oldest children out of the mountains (Burton 166). Tamsen was left with five children and her nieces and nephews to feed as well. The party ran out of oxen hides and leather to eat. The only way a mother was to keep her children alive was to feed them the only food source available. Careful not to choose their relatives, members of the Donner Party ate the only food source available: cadavers of those that had died. When reintroduced into the Californian society, the living members were shunned. Was it right of society to judge them so harshly? How could pioneers claim they would not do the same, when in reality it is more probable that they would? Louis Keseberg, the last member of the party to leave the mountains, was tried for murder. The public should not have demanded that that a survivor of such perils be ostracize d just for living. Another conflicting case is that of Alfred â€Å"Alferd† Packer, dubbed â€Å"Colorado’s Cannibal.† Packer was a mountain guide in 1873 Colorado. He was hired to take a group of men through Bingham Canyon, Utah. This expedition did not end as planned. As with the Donner Party, Packer had not realized that his company had set out too late and would lead to a fatal end. Many men turned around when they were rescued from the cold by a group of Indians, but five remained with Packer. The men set of, no heeding the warnings from the Indians. Sixty days after they left the campsite, only Packer emerged from the canyon. Questions arose to which Packer had no answer, so he lied. He told three versions of his story of survival, and only a few facts were found to be truth. Their food supply had run out and  the men agreed to eat whoever died from starvation. Shannon Bell had killed the four other men while Packer was searching for food. Packer killed Bell due to self-defense, and Packer did not resort to cannibalism until starvation overtook his guilt for the deaths of his men. Alfred Packer was called a murderer and sent to jail, even though he killed in self-defense. It was too quick of a decision to send this man, who was in a starved mindset, to a punishment in which he did not deserve. It is true that Packer was epileptic, and very possibly had several psychological problems, but that did not make him a killer. He was just trying to survive. Learned cannibalism is another category of cannibalistic behavior. It is when one is not driven by hunger to eat the flesh of another human. However, learned cannibalism is often thought of as the cause for Hannibal Lecter-style murders. Anthropologists deny that learned cannibalism is what such killers practiced; it is a method of ritualistic behavior that our human ancestors have passed down through generations. The Japanese army adopted such rituals during their last war. Why did the army commit such a primitive act? Some men state it was to bring to troop together, to give them nerves of steel, so to speak. Others claim it was to clear the taboo in case they ran out of food. Still, some say that it was because the soldiers wanted to gain the powers of the enemy, just as the headhunters had done so long ago. The Japanese military kept these cases filed away, not speaking of the ruthless acts the men committed. Now that the files have been uncovered, the question of whether or not this can be classified as a crime must be answered. With finding that answer comes more questions: Which men are right? Were they really starving, or were they just soulless beings? Was murder enacted to pursue this activity, or were the men already dead? So many questions arise that it is nearly impossible to have a clear, truthful answer as to whether this was a war crime or not. The psychological reason behind cannibalistic behavior ranges from starvation to perversion. â€Å"Cannibalism might be seen as the highest level of sexual perversion. This is closely related to the equally rare carving up of bodies, following sexual crimes and sadism,† state psychologists when asked if cannibalism can be considered a true crime, or if it is just a taboo of western culture (Capraro â€Å"Cannibalism is not a Crime†). Cannibalism isn’t listed as a crime;  the only trespasses a person can be tried for are manslaughter and rape. There is no sentencing to accompany the cutting up or eating of the body. Some people say that cannibalism should be labeled as murder. What if it was not murder that was committed? The custom of the sea dictates that, when a boat is crashed or stranded, survivors are to rely on the dead for food. There is no murder involved if the dead had come to be so due to natural causes. Society has become engrossed with stories of cannibals, murderers, and rapists. People gossip and read in depth about such crimes, feasting on the horrible tales which western culture has only read in stories from Edgar Allen Poe and the like. But what about when it happens in their own culture, to people on their own street? One name sticks out when cannibalism comes up: Armin Meiwes. The case of German native Meiwes is tricky because he could not be sentenced since cannibalism is rarely committed in today’s western culture and is not classified as a crime in Germany. Meiwes’s â€Å"victim,† Bernd Brandes, a man who was in a sexual relationship with Meiwes, had conceded to be killed and eaten by Meiwes. Meiwes could only be convicted for killing upon request and disturbing the peace of the dead (i.e. eating the body instead of burying it). Meiwes admits to being a true cannibal, and is acceptance of his branding as a murderer. But cannibalism does not always involve murder. Brandes consented to having part of him cut off and eaten, thus leaving him alive, and then later asked to be killed and consumed. Meiwes will be forever classified as psychotically disturbed and sexually perverse for his disposition on cannibalism. Society is unacceptable of cases such as Armin Meiwes simply because of the horrific act that is involved. The public demands stronger sentencing, or the death penalty as an eye-for-an-eye repayment. Cannibalism has been passed down through generations around the world, and as time has progressed it has become an ugly, horrible act. Yet, we are obsessed with learning about it. The famous book Hannibal by Thomas Harris spawned movies and general interest in the acts that the main character committed. Harris also gives the view of why cannibalism happens. Most cases of cannibalism occur from a deep psychological problem. Maybe the person who committed the act is  extreme obsessive-compulsive and cannot stand to have a mess; therefore, eating the body disposes of the mess and clears the act from the mind. As a child, the â€Å"cannibal† may not have had a strong relationship with their same sex parent and developed an over-dependent relationship with the opposite parent or a si bling. Such as Armin Meiwes, who had no apparent male figure in his life, consuming the flesh of someone he was close to was a way of keeping the person close to himself forever. As stated before, cannibalism can be seen as the highest level of sexual perversion, therefore many of Freud’s theories on oral fixation and sexual aggression can provide a possible explanation of the thought process of cannibalistic people. The perpetrator of the behavior is fixated on sexual pleasure resulting from the mouth. He or she enjoys the acts of sucking, biting, and chewing, often resulting in a need to have something constantly in his or her mouth. The way cannibalism fits in is that the act of eating another human is on a high level of sexual aggressiveness. The orally fixated person gets pleasure from eating another human, both sexually and orally. Many people who have been convicted of murder and the act of cannibalism have shown to eat those close to them. Either it is a companion, a lover, or a relative that is being consumed. The reasoning behind this is that the consumer wants to remain close to whomever it is for as long as possible, and when that person dies, the consumer sees eating them as a way of reincarnation because he or she is becoming a part of the consumer, thus their life continues. Obviously, this way of thinking is psychotically disturbing and when a person is convicted of such acts, they are put into an institution for the mentally disturbed. Can we send a person to jail for committing cannibalism even though they are psychologically unstable? Or do we take the risk of sending them to an institution to be â€Å"fixed,† and slowly reintroduce them to society? The world pretends to be blind of such acts and prefers to shut away those who do them. This is not taking care of the problem. Yes, the world o f the 1800s chose to shut their eyes against the survival techniques of the Donner Party, but that did not solve the issue of how to deal with the survivors. Survivors of such a tragic incident must slowly be reintroduced into the world. They should not feel that the world is an unsafe place just because they survived. People who willingly commit  cannibalism need to see the wrongs of what they did. On the other hand, people need to see why they did it in order to fully understand the reasoning. What the western culture claims is a taboo, the African culture deems it a ritualistic rite. Today, cannibalism has been turned into a sort of joke. In the cartoons, when two men are stranded on an island, one sees the other and imagines him as a big, juicy steak, thus invoking a chase of sorts. Is that not what happens when two people truly are stranded and starving? The custom of the sea states that when a boat is wrecked, the survivors must be willing to eat whatever is available, even if it is one another. Society does not realize that jokes, shows, and books influence the thoughts of everybody. Many times people will say in a joking matter that â€Å"he tasted just like chicken,† when referring to the eating of one another. In reality, people who make these jokes may someday be faced with the choice of living or dying, and the factor that will keep them alive is eating the person who â€Å"tastes just like chicken.† As disturbing as that thought may be, it is true. Humans’ first reaction in life or death situations is to preserve their own lives. When it comes to women in motherhood, they prefer to save their children’s lives first. If a family is faced with the obstacle of living or dying, such as the Donner Party families, their first choice is going to be to live. A mother wants her children to live, to experience life, even if that means do anything possible to survive. If the family must resort to cannibalism, is it a crime? Can the human race look dow n upon one another just for surviving? It would be ludicrous to believe that people should be abolished just because they chose to live instead of succumbing to death. When boiled down, Cannibalism is essentially only in two categories: survival cannibalism and learned cannibalism. The intrinsic side of modern Homo sapiens deals with survival cannibalism and justifies its cause. The moral side of the human brain cannot fathom the reasoning behind learned cannibalism. Why the ancestors began that tradition is a mystery. Was it first started from starvation? Did the first Homo sapiens not find food and decided to turn on one another? Or was it because of their belief in magic, the belief that humans contained magical powers and by digesting their flesh they absorbed the powers unto themselves? This mystery will remain unsolved, just as the mystery of who started the oral legends in Native American cultures. The reasoning behind society’s outlaws of cannibalism, either  survival or learned, is another mystery, yet it is one that can be solved. In native cultures, such as the Caribs, cannibalism was an everyday ordeal. As time progressed, people on the western hemisphere of the world chose to become more sophisticated. This involved the abolishing of all other cultural practices, from the clothes that were worn to the rituals that were participated in. Christianity was taught throughout the world, and cannibalism fell into the gray area of sins. Only anthropologists understood the need for converging into the act of survival cannibalism, and saw the importance of understanding why it was a ritual so long ago. The society that is shown cannibalistic behavior today is horrified by it because the behavior had not been practiced for so long that even the survival technique became unspeakable. Cannibalism started out as a ritual, a rite of sorts that was common to engage in. Then it moved into a state of survival, a technique only used when one is faced with death. Now, it is considered a perverse, revolting taboo that is blasphemed and blown out of proportion by media. Can one really take an opinion on this? Who can honestly, without a doubt, know for a fact that he or she would not turn to cannibalistic behavior when confronted with starvation? No one can give an honest answer to that question until they have been put in the situation. The brain switches from living by the standards of society to the survival instinct possessed by all living creatures. In all honesty, we are no different from the wolves that will eat a member of the pack in order to live. Works Cited Burton, Gabrielle. Impatient with Desire: The Lost Journal of Tamsen Donner. New York: Hyperion, 2010. â€Å"Cannibalism.† Compton’s by Encyclopedia Britannica. 2005 ed. Capraro, Ingo. â€Å"Cannibalism ‘not a crime.’† News24. 14 Dec 2002. Ellis, Meredith A.B. et al. â€Å"The Signature of Starvation: A Comparison of Bone Processing at a Chinese Encampment in Montana and the Donner Party Camp in California.† July 2010. U of Montana College of Arts and Sciences. Stranded: I’ve Come From A Plane That Crashed on the Mountains. Dir. Gonzalo Arijon. Pro. Gonzalo Arijon. 2007. Zeitgeist video, 2008. DVD.

Internet Censorship Research Paper Essay

Imagine a place where you had access to any information you needed, at any time. Some might say that this place may not exist, but others could say that this defines the Internet. The Internet gives you access to all sorts of wonderful knowledge and other content, but with good comes some bad. Countries throughout the world have begun, or are trying to begin, censoring the Internet of these bad things. Many countries in the Middle East and North African States have taken to filtering entire websites on religious grounds (Dobby) and just last year, several bills, such as SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) and Protect IP (Prevent Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property act) proposed shutting down â€Å"rogue† websites that contained copyrighted property, but Internet censorship walks the fine line between protecting the public and preventing free speech. The problem with censorship is that once it starts, there may be no stopping it, and would violate the First Amendment, freedom of speech. Mariam Adas, a Facebook campaign organizer for Jordanians against censorship, believes that there’s no way to do it right. Government will use blocking offensive/copyrighted/pornographic material as a precedent and then further block and filter other political, social and media websites (Ghazal). The aforementioned American bills, SOPA and Protect IP, where so carelessly written, that they would have the power to entirely shut down full websites, such as Facebook, Wikipedia and YouTube for content submitted by users (Hitzik). To pass censorship laws like these would totally contravene our own Amendments. Free speech is the right to speak you opinion in public without censorship. To take away that right would be unconstitutional, and un-American. For example, the British Matthew Woods, 19 years old, was sentenced to 12 weeks in jail for simply posting drunken, distasteful jokes about a recent abduction of two girls. While the remarks where horribly offensive, no one should be prosecuted for using their voice, and that voice should not be censored. Doing such will lead our culture into believing it has a right not to be offended (Chu). One of the main reasons for supporting Internet censorship is to protect children from seeing indecent materials, such as pornography. This is understandable, but it is unfair to hinder adults from viewing adult materials, and for this reason there are many ways that parents and guardians can protect their children from such things, says Adas. One may contact their internet provider, or download applications to filter out inappropriate websites (Ghazal). Filters are also placed on moral and religious standing. The dilemma is that there are many different moral and religious standings, and attempting to filter the Internet to a point that pleases every group would be impossible. People should be afforded the right to use their own discretion and self-adjudicate on what they would like digest. In the end, the issue of Internet censorship is always controversial. Nevertheless, America is a society based on freedom, and the right to free speech does not belong only to the press, but to each individual person. This freedom of should be extended to the Internet, no exceptions. A quote, by Robert A. Heinlein comes to mind: â€Å"The whole principle is wrong [censorship]; it’s like demanding that grown men live on skim milk because the baby can’t eat steak. † Works Cited Chu, Henry. â€Å"Britain Wrestles with Free Speech on Web. † Los Angeles Times. 09 Nov 2012: A. 1 SIRS Issues Researcher. Web 05 Mar 2013 Dobby, Christine. â€Å"Muslim Countries Filter Web on Faith Grounds, Report Says. † National Post. 04 Aug 2011: FP. 12. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 05 Mar 2013. Ghazal, Mohammed. â€Å"Internet Freedom Activists See Bad Precedent in Drive to Censor Porn Sites. † Jordan Times. 02 May 2012. N. P. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 27 Feb 2013. Hitzik, Michael. â€Å"Big Guns Take Aim at Internet Piracy. † Los Angeles Times. 11 Dec 2011: p. B. 1. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web 25 Mar 2013.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Zara's Secret for Fast Fashion Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Zara's Secret for Fast Fashion - Case Study Example   Zara’s competitors in the fashion and industry were amazed at how the company was rapidly expanding both locally and internationally. It is important to note that all these stores were opened under the company’s brand but when the ventured into the Asian market, the company’s managers had different views of the market in that they decided to exercise the concept of Franchising. For instance, in Malaysia, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, the company operates as a B2B Company. Zara did virtually no advertising unlike its international clothing competitors such as Gap, Benetton, and H&M. Instead, the company places only two ads to promote its yearly sales and announce the opening of the new store. This decision has led Zara to realize 0.3% average revenue instead of 4%. Zara store managers have no discretion about the look and the feeling of their stores (Wikipedia, n.d). Zara does not aim to produce classic clothes that are always in style instead of the company intend ed to have its clothes to have fairly short life spans both in stores and customers wardrobe. In the year 2003, Inditex operated 1,558 stores in more than 40 countries of which 550 were part of Zara chain stores. The company has 90,000 employees of which 80% are female while the rest are male. Currently, Inditex is the biggest and fastest growing retailer while Zara is the biggest leading retail innovator in the world and that has established its place in the fashion industry by offering not only apparel and accessories for women fashion but also for children and men. More so, Zara Company had provided and established a unique environment for shopping by altering the manner others companies such as Gap and H&M store appear. The company changes its layouts often to incorporate artwork. Zara has realized how to expand and make a profit due to its capability to face the apparel challenges in the market. This paper aims to discuss the businesses model and key elements of disruptive busi ness, identify distinctive competencies of disruptive companies and discuss the competitive advantages of disruptive companies. Disruptive business model Disruptive innovation is a creation that aids establish a new market and value network, and it usually goes on to disrupt the existing market and value network by replacing or displacing an earlier technology. Disruptive model is used by a company to improve a product in a manner that the market does not expect by designing for a different segment of consumers in the new market and afterward by lowering the prices in the current or existing market. Businesses that adapt and applies disruptive model usually have a competitive advantage over its competitors in the market (Wikipedia, n.d). For instance, companies such as Dell and Zara have this model in order to remain in front of their competitors. Dell has survived the bust and now looks better for it since, in one of the worst PC industry history, Dell has gained enough share to be come the leading PC seller in the world.  

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Social Performance of a Company Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Social Performance of a Company - Research Paper Example This is experienced because the decision has to be made by a group and not by a sole person as it is done in other sectors. All shareholders have to come into a conclusion (Gunay 2008). Each stakeholder in a corporation is entitled to carry out certain duties in the corporation. Employees are entitled to handle the activities and maintain a harmonious environment for making profits. They are also entitled to make contributions in the decision making since they are the one who have bigger influence on the future of the corporation. Suppliers form an active part of stakeholders, since the corporation relies on them entirely for its deliverance of its services to the target market. The bank plays the role of managing the corporation bank’s account and the transactions that the corporation engage in the process of service delivery. The bank also lends money to the corporation when the need arises. On the other hand, the investors are the most sensitive part of the corporation. Thi s is because they are the one who make a pool of resources to make the corporation run smoothly at all times. They are entitled to the making of major decisions that determine the course of the corporation (Heath 2001). According to Suleyman, the secondary stakeholders are the group that does not directly affect the future survival of the corporation. The group is not involved directly to the corporation. The members of this group include the media and other social facilities. Though the corporation cannot efficiently perform without this group, its operations are not affected in any way by these stakeholders. The media is considered as an essential part by the corporation for the advertisements purpose which in return creates the familiarity of the corporation to the target market hence, earning more customers. All primary stakeholders are considered to be directly related to the success of the corporation but their degree depends on the environment, these are internal and external environment. The internal environment is concerned with the daily activities and the future survival of the corporation, while the external factors have little effect to the corporation activities (Heath 2001). Formation of a coalition in the corporation is the basics to achieve the future goals set by the corporation. Moral appreciation of the stakeholders, no matter their individual investments in the corporation and creation of a platform where all stakeholders will be consulted during the decision making in the corporation is one of the vital strategies that we are targeting. This will give the corporation an added advantage that will go a long way to meet the target set by the corporation of having many individuals wanting to invest in the company since their opinions are addressed by the corporation and at some point implemented by the same corporation they have invested in. It will also strengthen the coalition (Heath 2001). Considering the investors point of view, many of t he potential investors have an altitude of pooling their funds towards a corporation that have a sense of belonging to the society. These are achieved through the corporation participating in the corporate social responsibility. This encourages more individuals to invest in the c

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Civil rights Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Civil rights - Term Paper Example You get an ensurity to get involve in political and civil life. These civil rights are made for safety and ensuring the physical integrity of the person like. Beside all these facts these rights protects you from many discriminations like gender, race, nationality, age, speech, mental or physical disability and many more things. By origin civil rights are the major part of global Human Rights. These civil rights are enforceable rights and they are entertained by other people also. This right can be use when you have to take some action against an injury. Some common examples of civil rights are freedom to speech, right to vote, right to equality in public places, press, freedom from involuntary servitude and many more. Example of civil rights: The famous example of civil rights in America is â€Å"civil right act of 1964†. This civil right act was the unique mark of legislation in United States. This act is used to outlaw segregation in schools, employment places and also the public places. This civil right was first conceived to aid African Americans. In this act people also raised their voices to protect women including white people also (George H. Rutland, 2001). Role of FBI agencies in protecting civil rights: A FBI agency is made to do investigation the violation of national law of civil rights. The FBI do his duty seriously because if there is any violation in the civil laws and if any person among us looses any right then the freedom of all of us will be drawn towards danger. Activities of US commissions for enhancing civil rights: US commissions is also doing a regular work on civil rights. The main aim of US commission is to do investigation of complains that are made by people. These complaints are made because many people’s are deprived because of their voting rights on the basis of their race, religion, color, sex, citizenship, age. These complaints are taken by US commissions and then a proper action is taken to solve the problems of a common people. Center of civil rights (CRS): CRC stands for Civil Right Center. This center of civil rights is for the enforcement and administration of different Federal statues, executive orders, regulations which are related to both equal and nondiscrimination opportunities. These three laws based on equal opportunity are: 1. A forbid discrimination based on disability. This law can be specified by different public entities like local and state government. It is also enriched with the programs organized and activated by DOL. 2. A forbid discrimination on different basis of programs and activities. This also receives a financial assistance from DOL or work investment act. 3. The discrimination of forbid employment within the DOL (George H. Rutland, 2001). Benefits of EEOC in civil rights: The civil right of EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) is very much popular. This civil right holds the responsibility that every employee or job applicant must receive equal employm ent without introducing the thoughts of religion, race, sex, color, age, nationality and disability. According to this civil right discriminating against any employee is also illegal. And if any person faces this situation then he can complaint for this and you can be fined heavily for this or have to face a lawsuit. This is a very strong civil right and because of this right people in America are working equally and are enjoying equal payments. Political book: According to political book of America civil rights are considered as normal rights of human

Friday, July 26, 2019

Managing the software enterprise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Managing the software enterprise - Essay Example Certain kinds of special configuration management software are also available to do the task in a more effective manner. When a system require software or hardware upgrade, a computer technician can accesses the program of the configuration management and database to see what is presently installed. The technician can then create a more informed decision regarding the upgrade needed. The major benefit of application of a configuration management is that the whole collection of systems can be evaluated to ensure any modification made to one system do not negatively affect any of the other systems. Configuration management is used to help estimate project cost and duration. It provides cost estimating support for the period of the planning and design stages of projects for optimization of the design and studies of value engineering, risk assessment life-cycle and cost analyses. Question 2 is based on a case study of an ERP system that, unlike the ‘Cisco’ case study looked at in the previous TMAs, failed. a. This part of the question relates to the management of resources. (10 marks) Vicro communications is a global provider of products and services that enable industries to communicate through digital and print technologies. As a prominent dealer of document formatted information, data based marketing and print outsourcing, they manufactures and delivers business communication products, Vicro designs, services and solutions to consumers. This case study consists mainly of three resource areas that include technical, human and financial or timescale components. The company undertake over 100 distribution and manufacturing services. About 14,000 employees, spreading over serving 47 countries work for them. It gives a leading edge in IT systems and provides modern solutions that allow firms to adapt to the dynamics of change. â€Å"Vicro is a large company with approximately 2.45 billion in 1999 and 2.26 billion dollars in 2000 revenue† (Tingey, et al. 2003). The relation between BPR and ERP Vicro provides project management, consulting, distribution of high volume and reengineering, customized connections to its customers. It also delivers personalized, simple to read documents planned to help a positive idea on an organization’s clients. The company has become a market leader in organizing critical business communications. It facilitates products and services that contain statement, government noticing, cards, plan member communication, policy holder and database marketing. The main technologies used by the company include mainframe systems to store centralized production data and provide the core functions of the business and client server technologies for growth as well as handling routine daily tasks. These processes mainly include email, web access, file transfer etc. b. This question relates to risk management. (10 marks) i. Risks can be ranked, according to which these must be tackled first when resources are scarce. Generally, risks with high severity and high likelihood of frequent occurrence must be tackled first, and risks with low severity and low frequency need to be accorded lower priority. In this case study, the main risk is organizational risks, which

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Probation and punish Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Probation and punish - Essay Example However, later the sentence got suspended and instead the convict was ordered to undergo probation under a probation officer. The officer was entitled to supervise all the activities of the convict. The officer was supposed to report pertaining to the regular activities of the convict after three months. The crime that was committed by Kris was not considered to be very grave but it was made compulsory that the convict needed to undergo a strict probationary programme under Robert Donovan who is a probationary officer as referred in this particular case (Scheb, II, 2011). The results from the file review match Robert’s opinions as he was given the charge to ensure proper probationary training. Robert was specialized in this field. Moreover, a probation plan was the need of the hour (Scheb, II, 2011). The instance in which Robert is considered to initiate the probation program and Robert’s discussions regarding the intricacies of probation proved to be very appropriate a nd similar (Scheb, II, 2011). However, the convict’s activity was considered to be illegal but the 1 year sentence got cancelled which was not very appropriate and also probation program did not allow proper punishment to the convict. Taking into consideration these aspects, Robert’s views cannot be considered as similar (Scheb, II, 2011). ... In fact, he possessed criminal intentions which required immediate attention (Lippman, 2009). Moreover, he was found to commit an attempt of theft which is a very serious offence. An immediate precaution that could be taken to prevent these negative instances would be to ensure a tight supervision that will be possible with the induction of an appropriate probation program that is needed to be put in place (Lippman, 2009). In addition, putting a criminal behind the bars for a long period of time for an attempt to theft may raise controversies from various supporters of the convict. Many may not find it logical to put a convict under a prison for such instances and activities. Therefore, the best thing to do is to initiate a probation program instead (Lippman, 2009). Question 3: Cruel and unusual punishment is a kind of chastisement that has been amended by the United States constitution. It is considered to be a very strict punishment that is imposed on the serious offenders of law. This includes serious retributions that generally take place in the form of degradation or torture. At times, the severity of punishment becomes even high as compared to the graveness of the crime that is committed (Lippman, 2009). Correctional facility is essentially a punishment in which the offenders are punished as per the graveness of the crimes that are committed. Serious punishment is imposed to those who commit serious crimes i.e. felonies. However, short-term punishment is imposed on the individuals who are not responsible for most hideous crimes. The sentence is pronounced after judging the graveness of the crimes that are committed.

Explain why students studying for a specialist business-related degree Essay

Explain why students studying for a specialist business-related degree are required to study a range of other disciplines - Essay Example BÐ µyond this, thÐ µ nÐ µÃ µd is for somÐ µ knowlÐ µdgÐ µ of businÐ µss Ð °nd Ð µconomic "fundÐ °mÐ µntÐ °ls," of thÐ µ Ð °rt of communicÐ °tion, Ð °nd of thÐ µ problÐ µms crÐ µÃ °tÐ µd by orgÐ °nizÐ °tionÐ °l rÐ µlÐ °tionships, Ð °s wÐ µll Ð °s for thÐ µ kind of broÐ °d bÐ °ckground thÐ °t contributÐ µs to thÐ µ bÐ °sic Ð °bilitiÐ µs mÐ µntionÐ µd Ð ° momÐ µnt Ð °go. In this pÐ °pÐ µr I would likÐ µ to Ð µlÐ °borÐ °tÐ µ morÐ µ on why studÐ µnts studying for Ð ° spÐ µciÐ °list businÐ µss-rÐ µlÐ °tÐ µd dÐ µgrÐ µÃ µ Ð °rÐ µ rÐ µquirÐ µd to study Ð ° rÐ °ngÐ µ of othÐ µr disciplinÐ µs. So which disciplinÐ µs Ð °nd skills Ð °rÐ µ thÐ µ most importÐ °nt? ThÐ µ most impÐ µrÐ °tivÐ µ skills Ð °rÐ µ Ð °nÐ °lyticÐ °l Ð °bility, judgmÐ µnt, skill in intÐ µrpÐ µrsonÐ °l rÐ µlÐ °tions, thÐ µ Ð °bility to Ð °ccÐ µpt rÐ µsponsibility Ð °nd to mÐ °kÐ µ dÐ µcisions, gÐ µnÐ µrÐ °l Ð °dministrÐ °tivÐ µ skills (including thÐ µ cÐ °pÐ °city to lÐ µÃ °d othÐ µrs, to plÐ °n, to orgÐ °nizÐ µ Ð °nd dÐ µlÐ µgÐ °tÐ µ), brÐ µÃ °dth Ð °nd flÐ µxibility of mind, imÐ °ginÐ °tion, fÐ °cility in pÐ µrsonÐ °l communicÐ °tion, Ð °nd strong pÐ µrsonÐ °l motivÐ °tion. ThÐ µsÐ µ quÐ °litiÐ µs Ð °rÐ µ not nÐ µÃ µdÐ µd in prÐ µcisÐ µly thÐ µ sÐ °mÐ µ combinÐ °tion for Ð µvÐ µr y typÐ µ of position Ð °nd for Ð °ll kinds of cÐ °rÐ µÃ µrs in businÐ µss. But, pÐ °rticulÐ °rly for thÐ µ highÐ µr Ð °dministrÐ °tivÐ µ positions, thÐ µy sÐ µÃ µm to bÐ µ thÐ µ quÐ °litiÐ µs thÐ °t nÐ µÃ µd most to bÐ µ Ð µmphÐ °sizÐ µd. With thÐ µ incrÐ µÃ °sing complÐ µxity of businÐ µss opÐ µrÐ °tions, thÐ µ nÐ µÃ µd for stÐ °ff spÐ µciÐ °lists is incrÐ µÃ °sing, Ð °t thÐ µ sÐ °mÐ µ timÐ µ thÐ °t thÐ µrÐ µ continuÐ µs to bÐ µ Ð °n insistÐ µnt dÐ µmÐ °nd for Ð °blÐ µ Ð °dministrÐ °tors. MÐ °ny studÐ µnts will find thÐ °t thÐ µy cÐ °n mÐ °kÐ µ thÐ µir most significÐ °nt contribution in stÐ °ff positions. HowÐ µvÐ µr, thÐ µ growing nÐ µÃ µd will bÐ µ for mÐ µn with Ð ° high lÐ µvÐ µl of Ð °nÐ °lyticÐ °l Ð °bility Ð °nd with Ð ° sophisticÐ °tÐ µd commÐ °nd of Ð °nÐ °lyticÐ °l Ð °nd rÐ µsÐ µÃ °rch tools dÐ µrivÐ µd from thÐ µ fundÐ °mÐ µntÐ °l disciplinÐ µs. Sound trÐ °ining in thÐ µ physicÐ °l Ð °nd sociÐ °l sciÐ µncÐ µs Ð °nd in mÐ °thÐ µmÐ °tics Ð °nd

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Definition Love Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Definition Love - Essay Example Love makes us feel appreciated because we get a lift whenever we experience it. Something as simple as saying â€Å"I love you† can mean so much to the person who is receiving it. If this was said by anyone else then it would not have any strong connotations, yet the words come alive when they are said by someone who we have true feelings for. We feel wanted and accepted when someone decides to share their love with us. This love does not just have to by in a physical way—it could be from someone who is simply a friend. The different levels of love derive from the person or people that it is being shared with. Love between a couple and love between two friends are not on the same level. One goes to a deeper level while the other is rather barely scratches the surface. Love helps develop character in us because we truly understand what it is to trust someone else completely. It is only when we learn to love others that we can truly appreciate them for who they are. While love may be the most obvious virtue, there are other traits that can develop out of love. Characteristics such as patience, kindness, and forgiveness all come from the feelings of love that we have with one another. These are traits that cannot be taught but have to be learned through the process of loving someone else unconditionally. Finally, love gives us a reason to live because it gives us hope that something better is always out there. Without a reason to live, many people give up because they feel that they have no hope. It does not matter whether someone is rich or poor; everyone needs to feel loved so that they feel part of humanity. Love is the greatest gift that we can give to someone because it is freely given and freely received.  Ã‚  

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Chinese Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Chinese - Movie Review Example He is a son to one of the local rich in the area. His father is also a compulsive gambler, and lost his family property to Long’er who is also a gambler. Fugui’s behaviors and characters also make Jiazhen, his long suffering wife to leave him, together with their daughter and unborn son. This paper will look into succinct analysis of the movie, considering the political aspect depicted in the film, for instance, war in China (Yimou). Chinese civil war takes place and Chunsheng and Fugui get conscription into Kuomingtang during one of the performances. He leaves his family behind and his only daughter becomes dumb due cold fever when he is away. From this, it is evident that conscription into the military or any other related activity in China was a mandatory during the time the film was shot. It is also evident in the Chinese society that rich people are considered anti-revolutionary and executed. An example is the murder of Long’er who had just acquired his wealth through gambling with Fugui. The government also claims unlawful possession of individual wealth. When Long’er shows his unwillingness to donate his wealth to the public, he is considered an enemy to revolution and is executed immediately(Yimou). War between China and Taiwan is also depicted in the film. The local chiefs are charged with a responsibility of informing the people to collect all their iron materials for refinement and manufacture of steel weapons for fighting the Taiwanese. This is a depiction of long time rift and disagreement between the two Asian nations. Another aspect of political dominion, in China, during the 1994 is that of strictness in the education policies. Youking is killed because of not getting up early for school. The government blindly believes that it is only through education that revolution can be achieved in China. Cogently reasoning, it is quite illogical imprudent to terminate the life of a young

Monday, July 22, 2019

Cone Health Organizational Chart and Structure Essay Example for Free

Cone Health Organizational Chart and Structure Essay The classical theory consists of organizational design that subdivides work and specifies tasks. The classical theory allows the different departments to run with efficiency by giving staff members different task to perform. The classical theory is composed of four elements: division and specialization of labor, chain of command, organizational structure, and span of command. Division and specialization of labor reduces the workload of the employee that will increase proficiency throughout the organization. The chain of command is authority, power, and responsibility delegated from high levels of authority to the lower levels. Organizational structures are how the departments are arranged and how command is maintained and how communication is achieved through a formal system. The span of control is how many employees a manager can effectively manage. (Sullivan, 2012).†¨ The structure of this organization provides for an environment for client centered care by offering services of acute care with different levels of care such as emergency services, med-surgical units, intermediate care unit, intensive care and labor and delivery. Each division is managed by a specific leader, such as the manager, who reports to the chief of nursing. The managers are more in contact with staff and have direct communication with staff members as well as patients in the hospital. This personal level of communication allows for managers effectively to communicate the importance of the mission of the hospital, which is to exceed expectations and provide quality health care to all at all times. With this mission in mind, it can lead to a close relationship with client care. The use of information systems is the way to communicate throughout the hospital to staff members. There are two charting systems used in the organization and an assignment board system in each department. The first one is Emergency Data Management, which is used in the emergency department, and the second is the Meditech, used in the other departments in the hospital. All information systems are visible to all nursing staff but cannot be edited interdepartmentally. Verbal communication method can be in the form of informing peers concerning the level of care already delivered to a patient and expecting others to follow through. We are expected to formally inform each other of what need to be done concerning our patient via the Emergency Data Management and Meditech. The GroupWise E-mail system is used by staff for internal communication and exchange purposes, and it can be accessed both in the hospital and at home via the internal intranet. Information from different departments comes to staff via e-mail, and all are encouraged to check their email daily. Staff members are also provided with a physical mailbox, with their names on it where everyone is provided with departmental information. Decision-making regarding policy change may be done by departmental basis, but must be approved by the chief nursing executive. For example, the standard of work was change in the triage process, but before management implemented the change, it had to be approved by the chief nurse executive, and he or she will decide based on the Nurse Practice Act. Restructuring of nurse leadership is currently in progress to allow nurses to have more input on leadership and its decision making pattern in organizations. The chief nurse executive reports to the regional vice-president of nursing, whereas all directors of each nursing department reports to the chief nurse executive. The organizational structure has its strength and weakness. One weakness that exists in this structure is the lack of communication between departments. Strength in this structure is that the chief-nursing executive is not left to make all decisions on his or her own because they have the help of managers and directors of the different departments. These informal structures of the organization is constantly at test as staff do frequently communicate with each other about what is expected in the plan of care to achieve an efficient client centered care. The charge nurse writing on the assignment board the activity of plan of care into the system as per each department to allocate patients to nurses and the staff nurse reports uses formal communication in the day-to-day operations of the organization the activity of plan of care into the system as per each department. For example there are formal meetings daily with the house supervisor, the managers, and leaders of the department to discuss bed availability in the hospital. Issues of power and control exist between the different floors and the emergency department. There is always competition for staffing resources, and if there is a float pool nurse on call, the charge nurses have to show who has a greater need for the float pool nurse leading to charge nurses to compete for the nurse.†¨ St. Luke’s Hospital is located in a lower middle-class neighborhood and caters to all ages. The hospital caters socially to the infants and pediatric patients. It has recently expanded the acute-stroke and short-stay unit also known as an observation unit. There are patients of different ethnicities while there are many patients who do not speak English; the use of the language phone has come into use quite often. The language phone removes language barriers between the patient and the health care provider and allows the patient to receive proper care. A lot of patients in the community have stated they come to our hospital because they have read in magazines that we are a great hospital.†¨ Generational differences that influence organizational culture are on the rise in the work environment. There are a great number of new younger nurses coming out of nursing schools, which means new ideas. The older nurses sometimes have problems accepting new nurses because they seem to want to change things. Some of the older nurses feel they are being pushed out of the nursing field by the new nurses and feel they are being forced to retire.†¨ In this paper there has been a discussion of organizational structure and functions, creation of client-centered care, information systems, power issues within the organization as well as decision making abilities. There have been discussions about social and cultural influences and how they integrate into delivery of care in the organization, and finally how generational differences influence organizational culture of the workplace as it shapes the future. It will be appropriate to expect more input into decision making culture via a developed formal and informal system to increase the input from the first responder group-the staff nurses and certified nursing assistants. References Sullivan, E. J. (2012). Effective leadership and management in nursing (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Negative Human Effects On Marine Resources Environmental Sciences Essay

The Negative Human Effects On Marine Resources Environmental Sciences Essay What negative effects do human activities have on Marine and Coastal resources from Addington Beach to Aliwal Shoal? The coastline of South Africa stretches for 3000km of which 80% consists of sandy beaches backed by low sand dunes. The focused areas of Addington Beach through to Aliwal Shoal, which contain diversity of fish and other species (including whales, seabirds and tunas), provide opportunities for economic and social activities including development opportunities, fishing, agriculture and recreation. These resources are important as they make up a rich asset to the Southern Coastal areas of South Africa. However, Marine and Coastal resources such as these areas all along the South African coast are being affected negatively due to driving forces mostly caused by various human activities. Pressures affecting these resources include population growth and coastal human settlements, emissions to sea by shipping and sewage and the extracting of natural resources such as fishing or sea bed mining. General pressures and effects of human influences: Population growth is the biggest driving force for environmental changes of marine and coastal resources in South Africa. The increasing population is strongly dependant on production activities to increase service and manufacturing industries and therefore is increasingly dependant on ports such as Durban Harbour for the import and export of products. Demands for food, recreation and land for housing all increase the pressures on the coastal resources. Statistics state that 30% of the South African population lives along the coastline due to in-migration of those seeking jobs, people retiring and those seeking a life of better quality. Because of this increase of dependency the coastal cities have developed rapidly and are as a result having negative influences on the marine and coastal resources. Irreversible changes are occurring due to these influences such as overexploitation of resources, destruction of natural habitats and an increase of wastes and pollution which smother and kill organisms and lead to water quality deterioration. POPULATION GROWTH GRAPH/TABLE. Emissions to sea by sewage and shipping are also a huge cause of the negative effects of marine and coastal resources. Daily industrial effluents and sewage are released into the sea via discharge pipelines near Durban Harbour and by sewage pipes all alone the south coast. These emissions are not only harmful to human health but also have a devastating effect on water quality and may contaminate many organisms. FIGURE 4.8 (effluent pipelines off the South African coast after Cloete 1979) Shipping is also a serious contributor to the degrading of marine and coastal resources. South Africa is situated on one of the biggest ship transport routes of the world and Durban Harbour is one of the few ports often stopped at. Due to weather and sea conditions and the wait to be docked in the port, major marine pollution incidents take place as oil spills and waste dumping takes place. Waters are thus polluted and these wastes and pollutions are transported along the south coast, by the Aguhlus current, and infect and destroy resources along the coastlines of South Africa. The extracting of natural resources such as fishing too affects the marine and coastal resources. Both commercial and recreational fishing are primary economic activities which together can generate more than 158 000 people and R3 billion annually (CMPP, 2005). The improvement of fishing methods results in a greater number and variety of fish being caught and as a consequence of this, fish stocks are decreasing in size and several species are facing possible extinction. Other human recreational activities, besides fishing, that may negatively affect marine and coastal resources include scuba diving or yachting. TABLE OF DATA FOR FISH NUMBERS: Durban Harbour and Addington Beach: IMAGE OF POLLUTION IN DURBAN HARBOUR: Both the Durban Harbour and Addington Beach are sound examples of coastal areas that have been urbanized and as a result are polluted and negatively effected by human activity. Shipping and the wastes excreted by the industrial companies in the Durban harbour area are a huge cost to the marine and coastal resources in the area. Fish and other animals are being killed or having their habitats affected or destroyed and the general water pollution in the area has increased drastically over the past few years and as a result the water quality has rapidly decreased. FIGURE 4.10 (Isogram depicting classification of the surf-zone at 28 sampling stations) The harbour pollution caused by oil and chemical spills, organic waste dumping and general excretions by the ships docking at the harbour or waiting out at sea to be docked in port. This pollution be the harbour is affecting the resources of surrounding beaches as well, such as North Beach, South Beach, Bay of Plenty and Addington Beach who as a result of the pollution have each lost their Blue Flag status after failing water quality tests. These losses of our Blue Flag status has also had negative effects on the tourism industry but most importantly reinforces the fact that the water quality and pollution is at an unacceptable level and the surrounding litter and destruction of the coasts have too become a state of disaster. Reports about heavily polluted water flowing into the Durban Harbour via the Umhlatuzana River for periods of nine months have also surfaced in recent years. Illegal discharges of wastes and sewage are being flooded into the Durban areas and are too polluting the water badly and destroying species and habitats and are decreasing fish stocks. (Raven, 2008). A great concern about these pollutions and wastes entering the sea near the Durban harbour and other areas is that these wastes are being transported all along the coast of South Africa via the Aguhlus current right down to areas such as Aliwal Shoal. Aliwal Shoal is not only an area being affected by wastes from human urbanization but also by recreational activities and tourism sites. IMAGE OF ALGUHLAS CURRENT Aliwal Shoal: DIAGRAM OF ALIWAL SHOAL: Aliwal Shoal is 50km south of Durban, was formed by a sand dune almost 80 000 years ago and is the home of many different species of fish and other marine organisms such as sea turtles, humpback whales, dolphins and the tiger shark. Recently there has been a hard battle to preserve Aliwal Shoal and many have taken a stand to fight for the protection of the area and marine life from pollution and tourists. Due to the research that was started over 10 years ago by the Natal Sharks Board, the region of Aliwal Shoal has been threatened by environmental pollution. Divers would report on the behaviour of sand tiger sharks at monthly meetings after observing them during dives and collecting data. During the early years of research destruction of Aliwal Shoal became a large concern as the Saiccor cellulose plant, being dumped into the ocean at Umkomaas, was untreated and was polluting the waters. The matter reduced visibility and formed foam that made beaches unusable. However, a solution to this was found by the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“South Coast Marine Pipeline Forum (SCMPLF)à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . The Saiccor pipelines were extended to a water treatment plant and the water quality in Aliwal started to improve. The next problem is rooted in this sudden improvement to clear water as diving tourism became very appealing to many. At certain times 20 boats can be seen on the Aliwal Shoal and some even equipped with spears for the sharks and other marine life. In 2009, a huge movement to receive the necessary protection of Aliwal Shoal from pollution and excessive diving is being driven. This unique marine region is in need of laws and regulations that protect it from any more damages to the environment that may be caused by detrimental human activities such as dumping, shipping, pollution transported from Durban Harbour and diving. (Andrew C.R, 2009).

My Favourite Holidays

My Favourite Holidays This is a pretty difficult topic to write on, since I tend to love all of the holidays! As soon as it hits October, I am floored for every holiday between Halloween and New Years. Growing up, it was all about what I would get as gifts on these holidays or the fantastic family dinners. I get excited for Fall, the local Algonquin Mill celebration, the beauty of all the leaves changing, the smell of them burning in the evening, the streets teaming with Trick-or-Treaters on Halloween. I remember how exciting it was to wake up early on Christmas morning and sneak around the brightly lit tree, hoping not to wake up Mom, trying to guess what was in each colorful package with my older sister. I also remember the frustration of not being able to fall asleep because I was so excited. With all of these holidays, I know that everyone has their favorites. There are many different traditions that people follow but are we really celebrating these holiday traditions in the right way or even for the right reasons? Just the entire season would be my favorite time of year, but I shall focus on Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Halloween, though it is known for its fun colors and costumes and gorging yourself on candy, actually started out as a Celtic holiday. The Celtics began celebrating this holiday because it was the last day of their winter solstice and apparently they just wanted an excuse to party since this also meant that they were done with the yearly harvesting time. Also, this day was used as a day to honor loved ones who had passed on, since it was said to be the day that the veil was lifted and the dead were able to once again walk with the living. The day after became celebrated as All Hallows Eve which marked the end of the dead being able to walk among us, at last until the next year. Nowadays we parade around in skimpy outfits in cold weather, attending parties to drink and be judged in our costumes. Speaking of drinking, my favorite Halloween myth would be that of the origin of pumpkins, or rather, Jack-O-Lanterns. The legend actually involves a hollowed turnip, the Devil, and a man named Stingy Jack. Stingy Jack, the stereotypical Irish drunkard, was known as a manipulator and loved to trick people. This brought him into contact with the Devil who went to collect his soul after hearing of all of his bad deeds. But, Jack was sneaky. He managed to trick the devil up into a tree and trap him there by carving a holy symbol, a cross, into the trunk of that tree. The Devil, demanding his release, agreed to Jacks demand that his soul would never be taken into Hell for all of his past misdeeds. This comes back to haunt poor Stingy Jack as when he does eventually die, he is not allowed into Heaven because of those same deeds, and the Devil had promised not to take him! He did, though, give Jack an ember, which Jack then carried around in a hollowed out turnip, doomed to roam the earth forever. Now, though, the turnip is a pumpkin and this year, my sister carved hers to make it look like it ate a Trick-or-Treater. Not exactly following tradition, is it? I would say that this would be a nice moralist story to tell our young ones since it shows that there are often bad consequences to bad actions. My second favorite holiday would be Thanksgiving. My family has a three day tradition for this holiday, which I got to join when I turned 21. The night before Thanksgiving, we go to the local bar for the band that plays there every year. Then, we wake up the next morning, more than likely hung over, and cook our Thanksgiving dinners, attending the big family meal in our pajamas because we are so exhausted from the night before. Afterwards, we all lapse into a turkey-coma and wake up early the next morning for the biggest shopping day of the year! Now, Im sure that this is not the same as everyone elses traditions, and I know it is definitely not the same as the real reason for Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving, another harvest festival, like Halloween, is a holiday in which people are supposed to express how thankful they are for their family, friends, and everything else they have. Growing up, I remember coloring the Pilgrims and the turkeys made out of hands. This was also back when we we re still allowed to pray in school, so our class would have our lunch of turkey slices and mashed potatoes and gravy and say a prayer together. A lot of the religious value behind this holiday has been lost. Lately, it seems to be all about the football game, the big meal, and the shopping ads for the next day race to Christmas. I am sure that if the holiday were observed properly, if we were asked each Thanksgiving to give a list of things that we are thankful for, people might just focus on the more important things in life: family and friends and their own idea of religion. This brings me to Christmas which is another of my favorite holidays. I love the snow on the ground- as long as I dont have to be in it- the colors everywhere, the Christmas carols on the store radios as you try to figure out what to get for whom. I like walking past all the houses and seeing the trees all lit up in their windows Wait a minute, lit up trees? Why do we even have the trees? Christmas, in my family, is all about getting the whole family together for dinner. Everyone is so focused on paying their bills that there is no real gift giving except for that of our company. We like to laugh and have fun and its normally pretty loud at whichever house we congregate in. The real focus of Christmas, though, is actually on religion, which my family does not really follow. This is the day to celebrate the birth of Christ, our savior. The star at the top of the gaily decorated tree is to depict that of the star over Bethlehem that guided the shepherds to where Jesus was born. The tre e was established as part of our tradition by Martin Luther who used it as a symbol of the Tree of Life from the bible tale of the Garden of Eden. Another tradition that is attributed to Christmas is that of Santa Clause, or Father Christmas, or Saint Nick, my all-time favorite man. How could you not love a man that runs around in red pajamas and gives out candy and gifts? Even though he is so loveable, he is not the real reason behind Christmas and it would be nice to see that people, especially children, realize this. Instead, they spend the last ten or so days before Christmas hoping you and jolly old Santa forgot all their past transgressions so that they dont get a lump of coal in their stockings. This does tend to make Christmas more fun, but I only hope that other people get that kind and warm-hearted feeling that I always get around Christmas. It is a time when people are nicer to everyone else and I think that it is the greatest time of year because of this. Of all these holidays, I have my favorites and you have yours, all for different reasons. But in todays society, are we really celebrating them in the right way? In watching the news it is plain to see that America is facing a problem with youth and their values, or lack thereof. Maybe if we tried to spread the old traditions of some of these holidays and to celebrate them right instead of letting them become so commercialized, todays society would remember that there are actual reasons that we partake in these holidays, not just to be able to ask So, what do you want for Christmas this year?

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Karl Marx :: essays research papers fc

KARL MARX: HIS WORKS This paper will be about the main elements of Karl Marx’s work, which includes the Paris Manuscripts, which will focus on alienation. The Communist Manifesto, which will focus on Marx’s political and economic theories and Capital Vol. 1., Marx’s final work about how profits are made by the capitalist. Karl Marx was a liberal reformist who believed that capitalism could be reformed and inequality and exploitation of the working classes could be addressed and abolished. (Stones, p.22) . In 1844 Karl Marx wrote and published â€Å"The economic and philosophic manuscripts of 1844†, better known as â€Å"The Paris Manuscripts.† This was Karl Marx’s first work, where he writes a study about alienation of workers. (Hughes p.27) What does one mean by alienation? Karl Marx states that the alienated person feels a lack of meaning in his life, or a lack of self-realization. (Hughes p.27) â€Å"One must understand, he argues, that there are three types of alienation. The first type of alienation is alienation from oneself. The second type of alienation is alienation from his fellow human beings. The third type of alienation is alienation from the world as a whole. These three forms of alienation are interconnected, and Karl Marx describes the connections between them. This is the core of his approach to the problem of alienation (Monthly Review, 2000, p.36-53). An example of alienation does not have to stem from the workplace, however. For example, I k now many persons who attend the same church as I do, but attend it for completely different reasons. I go to church to pray, to continue the family tradition, and to enjoy in the church functions. People go to church for a variety of reasons. People who attend the church only to be seen there and be superficially perceived as believers, are soon discovered and identified as such, and are usually alienated from the congregation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1844 Karl Marx met Fredrick Engels, another intellectual, and they became good friends and collaborators for life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Communist Manifesto was Karl Marx’s best-known work. The Communist Manifesto was intended to be a book easy to read and understand by the working class. (Manning, Lecture Notes) Karl Marx believed that if everyone understood what the bourgeoisie was doing in order to exploit the worker, the proletariat would unite and stage a revolution against the bourgeoisie. The Communist Manifesto was published in 1848, just before practically all of Europe became engulfed in revolution.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Pateman On Locke Essay -- essays research papers fc

For years social contract theorists had monopolized the explanation of modern society. John Locke was among those who advocated this theory of a collectively chosen set of circumstances. Carole Pateman, on the other hand rejects many of the pillars of the social contract and specifically attacks certain aspects of Locke's argument regarding paternalism and patriarchy. Pateman defends her idea that the individual about which Locke writes is masculine, instead of the gender-encompassing form of the word "man." Pateman also argues that Locke denies the individuality of women. Instead of scrapping his entire work, however, she grants him a couple of concessions, even acknowledging Locke as anti-patriarchal. If John Locke were around to defend his theories, he would probably have an opinion about the treatment of his work. To accurately discuss Pateman's view of Locke's paternal/patriarchal theory, a working knowledge of the theory itself is necessary. According to Locke "all men by nature are equal"(Second Treatise: 43) with the exception of children who have not reached the full state of equality, but must obey their parents. Domestic and political power is vested in the Father, according to Locke. As he puts it, "the natural fathers of families, by an insensible change, became the politic monarchs of them too."(Second Treatise: 42) Locke does not reserve domestic power regarding children solely to the Father, however. Instead he claims that the mother "hath an equal title."(Second Treatise: 30) He even defends the rights of children. Locke argues that children have the same moral rights as any other person, though the child's inadequate mental faculties make it permissible for his parents to rule over him to a limited degree. "Thus we are born Free, as we are born Rational; not that we have actually the Exercise of either: Age that brings one, brings with it the other too." (Second Treatise: 30) Locke does specify that children are free because of their "father's title," in addition to being governed by the law of their father. It is less clear in this situation whether Locke is using the term "father" to include both parents as the "term" man can be interpreted to mean both sexes. It is likely, based on the tradition of male heredity prevalent during his time, that Locke liter... ...tical monarchs." Another far-reaching defense Locke could pose for his theories is a simple clarification of terms. Pateman relies heavily on the fact that Locke's definition of "man" is man, not humanity. If the late philosopher were present today he could clarify precisely what he meant by this term, and dispel or support Pateman's accusation. John Locke's view of the the social contract comes under attack by the criticism of Carole Pateman. She not only refutes his use of terms, but also accuses Locke of ignoring women. Pateman claims that Locke purposefully left women out of the original contract in the same fashion that he denies their individuality. Like most people, Locke would likely defend himself and his theories to the best of his abilities if he were able. Either way, Pateman's critique provides the opportunity for reexamination of a widely accepted theory and theorist. Works Cited Locke, John. Second Treatise of Government. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Co, 1980. Pateman, Carole. The Sexual Contract. Stanford: Stanford UP, 1988. Comments: This is an evaluation of modern-feminist philosopher Carole Pateman's description of John Locke's theories.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

International Marketing MacDonald`s Essay

This paper will look at the development of the McDonalds Corporation in Kazakhstan and the obstacles that it has overcome. It will also look at the McDonalds Corporation in relation to its major competitors and analyze how the company has responded to its surrounding environment. In closing, we will look at the prospects for McDonald’s future and it will be clear that McDonalds will be able to maintain its dominant market position. It will continue to be a model that serves as a benchmark for others in the industry. We will go on to analyze the market segments, target market, advertisement of the corporation to the target audience and performance of McDonald’s Corporation. 1.0 Introduction McDonalds Corp., headquartered in Oak Brook Illinois, is the world’s number one fast food chain, serving about 49 million customers daily. The company operates and licenses more than 31,000 restaurants 30,000 McDonald’s in about 120 countries which generated a total $19.06 million in revenues for the fiscal year of 2012. McDonald’s brand is one of the ten most popular brands worldwide. Continuous marketing, promotional and public relations activities promote McDonald’s brand image in order to differentiate the Company from its many competitors. McDonald’s restaurant offer a menu that is uniform to all locations and emphasizes low value prices which includes its famous burgers, cheeseburgers like the Big Mac, Quarter Pounder with Cheese, several chicken sandwiches, Chicken McNuggets, french fries, salads, desserts, sundaes, soft drinks and other beverages. Its restaurants also provide breakfast menu that would include Egg McMuffin, bagel sandwiches, hotcakes, and muffins. Many new products were introduced in the last two years in accordance to the management’s decision to establish a new menu with more choices that is expected to bring a significant growth in sales as it was already shown by the financial results of 2012 which the highest increase in US comparable sales for the last 30 years. The successful manager constructs a marketing program designed for optimal adjustment to the uncertainty of the business climate. The inner circle represents the area under control of the marketing manager. Assuming the necessary overall corporate resources structures, and competencies that can limit or promote strategic choice the marketing manager blends price, product, promotion, channels-of-distribution, and research activities to capitalize on anticipated demand. The controllable elements can be altered in the long run and, usually, in the short run to adjust to changing market conditions, consumer tastes, or corporate objectives. Kazakhstan, from the Kazakh language, means a land of Kazakhs Stan – land. Kazakhstan is located in Central Asia, and is the ninth largest country in the world after Russia, China, USA, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, India and Australia. It is situated north of Uzbekistan, northwest of Kyrgyzstan, northwest of Turkmenistan, east of China, and south of Russia. Kazakhstan shares the Caspian Sea with other countries on its western border. As its neighbors in the region, Kazakhstan is a landlocked country and the second largest republic of the Commonwealth of Independent States after the Russian Federation. Kazakhstan doesn`t have MacDonald’s in the market. However it is really good opportunity to bring the fast food to a new market and get to know the culture. There must be a reason behind not having world’s most famous fast food corporation in a big country. According to my research it is possible to bring new product to the new market and get success in that market. 2.0 Objectives 1. To introduce MacDonald`s to a new market in Kazakhstan city of Almaty 2. To open 20 franchise by the end of 2015 in Almaty, Kazakhstan 3. To increase sales in fast food in 5 coming years. 4. To increase the customers till 50% by the end of 1st year. 3.0 Issues The theoretical framework of this study is based on a number of relevant theories that are discussed in this part. The model which authors constructed in this study integrates cross-culture and 4P marketing strategy. It can be divided into two parts. Firstly, the authors will analyze some components of culture which lead to the phenomenon of cross culture, such as the different values, languages and customer behaviors. During this process, Hofstede‟s culture dimensions will be employed as the approach to understand cross-culture better. Secondly, based on the analysis of marketing standardization and adaptation, the marketing mix 4ps as main international marketing strategies will be used to achieve our research purpose. When marketers discuss international marketing, one of the important issues often considered is the cultural differences. In relation to international marketing, culture can be defined as â€Å"the sum total of learned beliefs, values, and customs that serve to direct consumer behavior in a particular country‟s market† (Doole and Lowe, 2008, p.73). Such components as beliefs, values and customs are often ingrained in a society and have obvious differences among different countries. Cultural differences manifest themselves in several ways. Hofstede (2001) distinguishes symbols, heroes, rituals and values. Among theseï ¼Å'the underlying values are invisible. Although values are always invisible and may be hard to measure, they often play an important role when the marketers try to make decisions, which help to enter a foreign market. Also, according to Mooij (2004), the values that characterize a society cannot be observed directly. They can be inferred from various cultural products (fairy tales, children‟s books, or advertising) or by asking members of society to score personal values by stating their preferences among alternatives, and then calculating the central tendency of the answers. When it comes to marketing, the value concept is often used in an ethnocentric way. Besides, values are learned unconsciously, people are only partly aware of them, and measuring values is not an easy job (Lowe et al, 1998). Often, the problems they face are a result of their mistaken assumption that foreign markets will be similar to the home market, and so they can do the business in a similar way. Doole and Lowe (2007) point out that the values of a culture satisfy a need within that society for order, direction and guidance. Culture sets the standards shared by significant sections of that society which, in turn, set the rules for operating in that market. Mooij (2003) considered that the managers of transnational corporations should provide appropriate products according to the local consumer values and buying behaviors of a certain market. The product strategy owing to cultural factors, usage factors and legal factors. Hall (1990) described some countries‟ culture is high-context culture. 3.1 SWOT Analysis 3.2 Strength MacDonald’s has a strong global presence with its nearest domestic competitor being only half its size, McDonald’s is the market leader in both the domestic and international markets. MacDonald’s benefit from cost reduction through economies of scale because of its enormous size and its huge global presence allows it to diversify risk involved with the economic performance of specific countries. In international markets, MacDonald’s is well placed to expand and take advantage of long-term economic growth. MacDonald’s also has a strong real estate portfolio. The company’s outlets are located in areas that are highly known for visibility, traffic volume and ease of access. MacDonald’s also has exceptional brand recognition. This strong brand recognition creates significant opportunities for the company. MacDonald’s is able to generate more sales because of its brand recognition. 3.3 Weakness The food industry is really saturated. As a result of this, MacDonald’s has to deal with the prospect of looming market saturation, which could make it difficult to add new outlets. The market is forecast to grow by around 2% per year. Lack of product innovation is another weakness of McDonalds. The last breakthrough for McDonald’s was the Chicken McNugget in 1983, but again the company’s new strategy seems to have successfully dealt with the problem through the popularity of its new salads and other new products. 3.4 Opportunity MacDonald’s sold its Donatos Pizzeria back to its founder in 2003 and discontinued Boston market operations outside of the US. The company will instead focus on Chipotle Grill which is the company’s most successful non MacDonald’s branded chain of restaurants. Also to increase profitability the company has slowed its expansion of McDonald’s restaurants so as to refurbish and change the image of current restaurants and adding new features such as Internet access. 3.5 Treats McDonald’s is exposed to changes in the global economy. The company’s aggressive international expansion has left it extremely vulnerable to other countries economic slowdown. Foreign currency fluctuation is also another problem global companies like McDonalds. The Fast food industry is becoming an increasingly competitive sector. MacDonald’s keeps up with competitors through expensive promotional campaigns which leads to limited margins to gain market share. McDonald’s is attempting to differentiate itself, with new formats and new menu items, but other fast food industry are doing the same too. 4.0 Marketing MacDonald`s in Kazakhstan 4.1 Marketing Mix The marketing mix can be adjusted on a frequent basis, to meet the changing needs of the target group, and the other dynamics of the marketing environment Barlon and Kimuli (2006). They are as follows: product, price, place, and promotion. Having identified its key audiences, a company has to ensure a marketing mix is created those appeals specifically to those people. The marketing mix is a term used to describe the four main marketing tools the 4Ps. By analyzing detailed information about their customers, as derived from ongoing market research, the McDonald’s Marketing department can ascertain information key to determining the correct marketing mix. * Which products are well received in Kazakhstan * What prices consumers are willing to pay * What TV programmers, newspapers and advertising consumers read and view * Which restaurants are visited Accurate research is essential in creating the right marketing mix which will help to win customer loyalty and increase sales. As the economy and social attitudes change, so do buying patterns. McDonald’s needs to identify whether the number of target customers is growing or shrinking and whether their buying habits will change in the future. Market research considers everything that affects buying decisions. These buying decisions can often be affected by factors wider than just the product itself. Psychological factors are important, e.g. the image a particular product conveys or how the consumer feels when purchasing it. These psychological factors are of significant importance to the customer. They can be even more important than the products’ physical benefits. Through marketing, McDonald’s establishes a promine nt position in the minds of customers. This is known as branding. 4.2 Product The important thing to remember when offering menu items to potential customers is that there is a huge amount of choice available to those potential customers with regard to how and where they spend their money. Therefore McDonald’s places considerable emphasis on developing a menu which customers want. Market research establishes exactly what this is. However, customers’ requirements change over time. What is fashionable and attractive today may be discarded tomorrow. Marketing continuously monitors customers’ preferences. At any time a company will have a portfolio of products, each in a different stage of its cycle. Some of McDonald’s options are growing in popularity while arguably the Big Mac is at the ‘maturity’ stage. 4.3 Price The customer’s perception of value is an important determinant of the price charged. Customers draw their own mental picture of what a product is worth. A product is more than a physical item; it also has psychological connotations for the customer. The danger of using low price as a marketing tool is that the customer may feel that a low price is indicative of compromised quality. It is important when deciding on the price to be fully aware of the brand and its integrity. 4.5 Promotions The promotions aspect of the marketing mix covers all types of marketing communications. One of the methods employed is advertising, sometimes known as ‘above the line’ activity. Advertising is conducted on TV, radio, in cinema, online, using poster sites and in the press for example in newspapers and magazines. What distinguishes advertising from other marketing communications is that media owners are paid before the advertiser can take space in the medium. Other promotional methods include sales promotions, point of sale display, merchandising, direct mail, telemarketing, exhibitions, seminars, loyalty schemes, door drops, demonstrations, etc. 4.6 Place Place, as an element of the marketing mix, is not just about the physical location or distribution points for products. It encompasses the management of a range of processes involved in bringing products to the end consumer.

Internal Accountant’s Report to Management Essay

IntroductionSince our company is preparing for an upcoming regime contract bid, management has decided that a full Financial Status revue (FSR) introductory to the release of the bid is essential. This bother-up is to fork up supporting information prior to the bid in order to evaluate if any irregularities with regard to bosh and/or abuse of the company take a crap interpreted place and if so, to what effect. The report is divided up into quaternity sections, which will cover information on the effect of potential occupational hypocrite and abuse on the company. It will besides discuss U.S. government worry of write up pseud and abuse and its effect on the company. Section three will post potential corruption schemes to be awargon(predicate) of in the company. Finally, some recommendations will be given of types of invoice enjoin and methods of aggregation recite to support the FSR and to provide presumable confidence that no irregularities work occurred.occ upational fraud and abuseAccording to 2009 world(a) Fraud Survey organizations lose astir(predicate) 5% of its gross revenues to all forms of fraud and abuse in the workplace. Moreover, having to report fraud is rattling unhealthy for the company and its stakeholders. It mess result in some negative effects like remunerations and salaries, employee base, employee benefits, but similarly morale and profits. Also occupational frauds and abuses normally grant an adverse effect on the reputation of the company. In case of a very signifi shadowert fraud it whitethorn even lead to bankruptcy.U.S. governmental oversight of explanation fraud and abusethither fork up been galore(postnominal) significant chronicle scandals, like Enron, Computer Associates, Xerox, Adelphia, WorldCom and Royal Ahold, that own had extensive press coverage and, scorn the fact that some of them are already some years in the past, they are still being discussed. Since then many new, different and strict accounting regulations and rules restrain been created in order to prevent or defer fraud, abuse or waste. many another(prenominal) of the frauds were with regard to revenue recognition, which has led to many improvements by now. Noticeable changes have been make in the way firms from particular industries ledger revenues as a result of the heightened sulfur scrutiny of revenue accounting companies have become more conservative when it comes to the time of the revenue recognition.Particularly many net income companies have reduced the total core of the revenue being recognized compared to the occurrence before the heightened scrutiny. According to a comply in FORBES, less fraud cases have been reported recently. Enforcement cases and prosecutions over the last ten-spot were very well publicized which had a positive effect on the lieu of many companies senior management. Also it is verbalize that governments enforcement efforts have had a deterring effect. Moreover, addi tional requirements imposed by Sarbanes-Oxley characterization (SOX) made senior executives more implicated about the financial results reported and on which they have to sign off. It is clear that the US financial reporting environs has changed and found on the positive current events, continuously improving reporting requirements, rules and regulations, even greater changes are expected in the future. decomposition schemesCorruption has unfortunately been a very super C phenomenon in the work environment throughout the years. It is defined as an aspiration to gain particular personal favour at the cost of organization he/she represents. Corruption schemes are usually divided into 4 main categories* Bribery and Kickbacks* commercial-grade transplant is the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of anything of value to find out the outcome of a business proceeding* It usually involves the submission of invoices that are overpriced or fictitious* Is usually undertake n by employees such as purchasing agents* economical Extortion* Money extortion from a potential purchaser or supplier* Example a corrupt purchasing officer demanding a payment in exchange to make a decision in the vendors favor* Conflicts of Interest* The patch occurs when an employee, manager or executive has an unrevealed personal or economic enkindle (with a negative effect on the company)* For role model, the victim organization is not cognizant that its employees have divided royalties* This scheme includes the performance of the insiders influence to the detriment of the entity* iniquitous Gratuities* This type of scheme is similar to bribery schemes. The only difference is that there is an end to reward a business decision, quite a than influence it * A common example is when purchasing agents are promised expensive vacations, and so forth after a vendors contact is approvedAccounting evidence and evidence gathering methodsGathering accounting evidence is a very c ommon activity in auditing. Accounting evidence is being collected using fact-finding and auditing practices. For investigations, this is the evidence that lawyers and government officials can rely on for very grave and last profile cases. For more routine reviews as the FSR prior to the bid, it is the type of evidence that we can rely on to give credible boldness that no irregularities have occurred. In both situations, the accounting evidence should be based on the adjacent important qualities* Relevance* Materiality* CompetencyThe types of accounting evidence we are referring to include* material evidence* Third-party representations* Documentary evidence* Computations* info Interrelationships* Client representations* Accounting RecordsSince this is a FSR and not an investigative procedure, I recommend the following auditing methods to gather evidence that will provide reasonable assurance that no irregularities have occurred and that our financial statements are relevan t and have been compiled in a competent way of life and contain no material misstatements * entry examen to ensure that we have an fitting internal promise system and that it is works effectively an adequate level of exploit testing will have to be performed to provide this assurance* Substantive testing a. Test of detail for the purpose of the FSR I recommend these only when and where the internal control system does not provide the assurance we desire b. Analytical testing I recommend these to provide further assurance that our financial statements adequately reflect the financial position of our companyReferencesWells, J. (2011). Principles of fraud interrogation (3rd ed). Hoboken, NJ Wiley. Singleton, T. W., Singleton, A. J. (2010). Fraud auditing and forensic accounting. (4th ed.). Hoboken, NJ Wiley.Online Sourcehttp//